Literary Hypotexts, Filmic Intertexts and Histriographic Hypertexts: Money and Power Problematized in Tunde Kelani’s Ti Oluwa Ni Ile and Saworo Ide
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Published: 26 August 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This essay is an attempt to view two films from TundeKelani – Ti Oluwa Ni Ile and Saworo Ide within the binoculars of Intertextuality to reveal both films as exhibiting recognizable resemblances with extant texts. Within this analytical mindset, the films are foregrounded as instances of the Auteur speaking with his audience through the technicalities of cinema. The study therefore reduces notable filmic elements to textual numerates that are representative of histriographiciconographswhich either predate or succeed the evolution of the films. Consequently with the theory of Intertextuality as tool, both films are viewed as (inter)texts since they are considered as procedural cinematic moment in continuums that capture and define extant scenarios that are codable as texts.
Keywords: Literary Hypotext, Film, Text, Intertextuality, Hypertext.

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How to Cite
Sola Afolayan. (2019-08-26). "Literary Hypotexts, Filmic Intertexts and Histriographic Hypertexts: Money and Power Problematized in Tunde Kelani’s Ti Oluwa Ni Ile and Saworo Ide." *Volume 3*, 3, 21-32